3: I Love Where I Live / by Matthew Fleming

My condo is a spacious yet cozy 2 bed, 2 bath with a sun porch, living room, formal dinning room. Built in 1905 or '10 the character remains: you'll hear the hardwood floors creak when tread upon and may wonder about the color choice of the two stain-glass windows in the living room. The eat-in kitchen which includes the laundry room. The laundry was originally the maid’s bedroom. From the bedroom, the maid had a ‘secret hallway’ so she could answer the front door without disrupting those in the dining room. The ‘secret hall’ is now a great long closet. (Ask me about how my closet could have returned to near its original intent sometime!)

The crown molding is Tiger Maple (I think) and beautiful (for certain). The outdoor deck is shared with my fantastic neighbors. It got nicknamed "The Disco Porch" and somebody made a Facebook page for it so we can check-in. And now you know the neighbors are as fun as me!

I use my ‘formal’ dinning room to have friends and neighbors (who are friends really, of course) over frequently. Saturday nights it'd be Game Night, which is a polite way of saying ‘blowing-off steam with some adult beverages, people who care, and a little junk food’. Sometimes we get around to playing a game, but nothing that requires paying too much attention. Although you can win or loose money, its less than $5/night usually. And occasionally we agree the winner will split the winnings with Care For Real, the neighborhood food bank. Of course, the entire pot is given happily since my fiends are generous (among their other great qualities). I’ve enjoyed hosting family holidays and get-togethers in the dinning room too.

One neighbor in particular and I often share Sunday Dinner together. It started in the tradition of Stone Soup, but sometimes we break the bank and do something special. Others join from time to time too, contributing to the meal and sharing a good time.

OK, OK... the that’s not really much about the neighborhood.