These are my values. I use them to guide my behavior and provide me with my personal code of conduct.
CONTENTMENT: Enjoying a lasting degree of personal well-being and shared moments of happiness with family and friends.
CURIOSITY: Having a desire to learn or know more about something or someone; especially when things seem strange, unusual, or unexpected to me.
DIALOG: Forming a logically consistent conclusion by gathering and examining evidence, exposing false beliefs, and eliciting the truth through reading, conversation, and/or writing.
ENTHUSIASM: Feeling and showing excitement in my prayer, chores, hobbies, and work.
FAITHFULNESS: Deserving trust by keeping promises.
HOSPITALITY: Showing kindness, courtesy, and consideration towards all people and for the transcendental value of the world we share.
OPTIMISM: Believing something good, rather than something bad, when I have the choice of doing either; sustaining hope during troubles.